The D3PO project partners have been immersed for weeks in finalizing the design of their respective puzzles and in 3D-printing the first batches to check that everything works correctly. Each of the puzzles will be aimed at a specific group with specific needs, but can also be applied to other target groups.  

And what are the rehabilitation needs that the D3PO puzzles are expected to cover? Mainly neuropsychological rehabilitation, physical impairments, learning difficulties/disorders and active aging for +65 adults, among others. 

In order to achieve the learning objectives of the project, the theme of the puzzles is very varied, as can be seen below: 

  • The Arabian Nights: the puzzle will be based on quizzes reminiscent of the most popular stories in the collection (for example, opening Ali Baba’s cave). 
  • The dry law period: in 1925, the user is a Sheriff who has received complaints in an area of Chicago regarding the trafficking of prohibited substances. He/she must find the person responsible and lock him in prison. 
  • Around the world in 80 days: the puzzle will be based on the adventure novel by French author Jules Verne and represented with a hot-air balloon divided into segments and drawers, with joints to be solved. 
  • Colapesce: based on a centuries-old Italian folktale about a merman, the puzzle will consist of several pieces that must be put together. 
  • The last voyage of Our Lady of Mercy: the objective of this game is to get on board the ship and keep in balance all the cargo that must make its journey from America to Spain. 
  • The search of Moscow’s gold: by solving three levels of cryptex, the user will be able to find the 510 tonnes of Spanish gold lost en route to the Soviet Union during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. 
  • The exit within: through a dark maze with colorful glimpses of hope inside, the puzzle focuses on mental health issues.  
  • Flying the flag: an LGBTQI+ flag locked inside a box will be found after solving a set of jigsaw puzzle pieces and answering key questions revolving around LGBTQI+ history and culture. 
  • The “Fogaça” story: the puzzle will be made with the shape of a typical “fogaça from Santa Maria da Feira, representing the figure of the Feira Castle, symbol of union and collective identity of this vast territory. 
  • The Castle of Europe: the metaphor of this scape box is inspired by a castle as a symbol of security and community: although each tower has different «mechanisms» representative of the differences between countries, the base of the castle represents the cohesion of the European territory. 

For any further information, D3PO project is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.