In Portugal, the puzzles of the D3PO project were tested between September and October 2023 with about 65 elderly, aged between 60 and 100 years old. 

The sessions took place in different places: in 3 «Senior clubs», in which people over 60 years old perform weekly social activities; and in an «Elderly Day Center», in which the elderly remain throughout the day getting the necessary basic care, but also cognitive ant interpersonal stimulation. 

In each workshop, first we presented briefly D3PO project. We prepared «game tables» and at each table was a distinct 3D puzzle to be played as a team. The puzzles used in testing Phase in Portugal were “Fogaça”; “Castle of Europe”; “The last voyage of Our Lady of Mercy”, “Colapesce” and “The search of Moscow’s Gold”. 

The elderly were divided into small groups (teams), which were circulating through all the game tables in order to solve each 3D puzzle. In this way, they could always try more than 3 3D puzzles, which enriched their experience. 

In general, all the elderly were enthusiastic in this activity, considering the puzzles attractive, fun, but also useful to work interpersonal skills (teamwork) and cognitive skills (strategy and memory).